Tag: interview

Interview for The Art Bridge

Below, you will find an excerpt from an interview conducted with Ania Luk for The Art Bridge magazine's from India and United Arab Emirates - the 3rd Edition, released in April 2024. The interview, titled "A Fusion of Cubism and Figuration: The Artistic Vision of Ania Luk", can be accessed in its entirety at Artiste Culture. Looking at your early paintings inspired by cubism and the hot climate of Morocco, how do you reflect on those pieces now, and in what ways do you see them influencing your current artistic journey. These pieces were the natural step in my artistic…

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Interview for MoreArt from Australia

Below is an excerpt from an interview with Ania Luk for MoreArt from Australia conducted by Annie Reid from Melboourne at the end of September 2020. You can find Ania's answers to the following questions: What is your background?Who is your biggest influence?What would you say is integral to your work as an artist?What memorable responses have you had to your work?Is there anything you dislike about the art world?What advice to you have for an aspiring artist?What are some habits that you have while working? Do you listen to music? Work in particular spaces, like a studio?What does success…

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Peripheral ARTeries, Art Review, Ania Luk

Interview for Peripheral ARTeries Art Review

Below you will find a fragment of the interview with Ania Luk for Peripheral ARTeries Art Review - the Biennial Edition. Published in the UK in May 2019. Peripheral ARTeries Art Review - May 2019 For this special edition of Peripheral ARTeries we have selected your Pattern series, a stimulating project that our readers has already started to get to know in the introductory pages of this article. What has at once captured our attention of your body of works is the way you sapiently combined the figurative refined with geometric abstraction, with such unique rigorous aesthetics: when walking our…

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ania luk drawing

Interview with Ania Luk

A fragment of the interview given to a cultural blog from San Francisco in May 2018. How did you get into the art world? Is there any special story about this? It's not that one particular moment made me suddenly interested in art. I had been looking for my own way for a long time, although the awareness that I want to create, has been with me since my childhood. As a child I loved drawing women's characters inspired by my mother's journals. I was dreaming I would become a fashion designer one day. Later, when came the time to…

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